
Sunday, September 16, 2012

<center><a href="" title="Sunday Social"><img width="195px" src="" alt="Sunday Social" /></a></center>
Okay so I am trying to link up to put myself out there. I am not sure if I am doing it right, I actually am computer illiterate. Hopefully I will get better.

Here goes nothing.

This Weeks Questions:

1. 5 items you can't live without on a daily basis(water, food, shelter, and clothes dont count)

Definitely my iPhone, lipstick, my hair products, my iPad, andddd probably my debit card.

2. All time favorite book? Hmm.. alltime favorite book? Well I have a lot of favorites. To Kill A Mockingbird, Where the Red Fern Grows, Heaven is For Real, & The Help .. just to name a few :)

3. Something you'd like to accomplish before the end of 2012
Well my number one goal is to make it through this wedding madness! Then I would love to start exploring photography a little more, feel a little more comfortable blogging, decorate my house, pay down some bills & plan a vacation for d  and i :)
 .. I better get started ;)
4. If you could go back and relive any year of your life which year would it be?
Hmmm.. that's a hard one. There are bits and pieces I would like to get back from a lot of years. But as far as reliving one, I don't think so.
This past 1.5 years have been the best so far.
5. What do you wish people knew about you without you having to tell them?
That just because I am definitely sarcastic does not mean I am a bitch.
Hmm.. well there you are! That wasn't so painful.
Hope you enjoy


  1. I'm stopping by from Sunday Social, and completely get wanting to make it through the wedding madness. We were actually married 2 weeks ago, and the day after the wedding it felt like amazing to have all the stress gone. But even though the days leading up to the wedding were insane it all managed to come together perfectly, and I'm sure it will be the same for you!

    1. thank you so much :) I am hoping for the same as well. Congratulations on your new marriage!

  2. love to kill a mockingbird :) stopping by from ss! cant wait to read more about your blog! its super cute :)

    1. how sweet. thank you! i am just learning how to do all this? hopefully i'll catch on soon. could you possibly tell me why the button didn't show up from the linkup? i copied and pasted it (obviously) but it didn't work? haha clearly i am completely blog illiterate.

  3. Blogging can be tricky in the beginning...don't be shy about asking other bloggers for help! We've all been new before :) Good luck!! xo
